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Whats going on with little ol' me?


hey there! i am at meg's house and we are both bored! lol i repeat, BORED! lol we are just sitten around watchin' tv and playin on the computer! anywho, kristin  i took the mean thing about you off so i have to put something else on here! hahahahha you're gonna kill me but i don't care! lol my eyebrows are stinkin' right now! really bad! lol really really bad! anyway i'll talk to all of ya'll l8r! bye byes!!!!!!

Hello, well today i got my stitches taken out! FINALLY! i am soo happy! thats kinda dumb just to be happy over stitches but if you had them as long as i did you would be happy too! anyway, adam is the big college man now. he thinks he rules the world. He got a shirt yesterday that says "don't be jealous that i've been chatting with babes all day on the computer"! i love that shirt! well, i guess i don't have a lot to say so i better get going! l8rz                   8-25-05


heyyyy everybody! lets see, monday we are having a youth meeting/picnic at my church! i actually don't really care about going ryt now! lol i've been sick all week and i feel like throwing up! lol nahhhh i don't want to make ya'll sick too! neway, i better get going now! l8r


Me in a bus on the way to Washington D.C.